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Gina's Library of Reviews

I am a blogger and reader.

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Two Brothers: Origin, A Ramtalan Trilogy
Sofia Diana Gabel
Script Kiddie: Assured Destruction #2 (Volume 2) - Michael F. Stewart I received this book for a fair and honest review. I was excited to read this book since I read the first one.

I loved that this book starts off right where the last one ended. Janius is now doing her community service and healing from her injuries from the accident. She is also still a tad bitter towards her moms boyfriend Peter.

Janius's middle name should be trouble. She finds trouble no matter where she is or what she's doing.

This book is a quick read and enjoyable. I love that although it talks about computers, and what Janius can do with Shadownet you don't have to be a computer genius to understand what is going on.