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Gina's Library of Reviews

I am a blogger and reader.

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Two Brothers: Origin, A Ramtalan Trilogy
Sofia Diana Gabel
Apocalypse Cult (Gray Spear Society, #1) - Alex Siegel I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This book is one of those books you lose yourself in and makes you think.
Maybe there is more out there in the world than we know. In this book you are transformed into the unknown. Things are not always as they appear.

This is an action packed story from page 1. I was constantly wondering what will happen next, how will what is going on currently be solved.

The story starts out with Aaron being hired as a PI. The job ends up to be more than he bargained for.
Vampire Vic - Harris Gray I received this book for a fair and honest review.

There are many different books out there about vampires. There is no other book however like this one. This is a book about a vampire that doesn't like blood. How odd is that?

I have to say I am a bit disappointed in this book. I was really looking forward to it. This book for me was very slow and hard to get into. I had to really force myself to read it.

I did enjoy the concept of the book and read about the transformation of Victor. Things change when he finally starts to bite people and gets his blood fresh from the tap....so to speak.
Training Temptation - Diana Baron I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This is not the type of book I usually read. I think the fact that this is not my normal genre of reading it was hard to get into this book.

Ponygirl racing is no something I'm familiar with and well I'm glad it's not. This is a fetish type thing and just not my cup of tea.

The story of Caroline and Edward starts out innocent enough.
Edward has been chasing Caroline for years, but she has avoided him. They are mutually attracted to each other though. Caroline is in debt and needs help fast. Edward offers to help her out...he trains her for the big ponygirl race.
I Remember (Remembrance Series, Book1) - Cynthia P. O'Neill I received this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Do you believe in reincarnation? How about true soul mates? That is exactly the history between Jordan and Gregory. They couldn't explain the pull they have towards each other and feelings so deep, so fast.

Just like any love story though, things don't go as smooth as they would like. There are powers to be that want to destroy their love. However, Jordan and Gregory are determined to beat the odds and stay together.

This is book 1 in the Remembrance Series. I'm anxious for book 2. I want/need to know what the truth is about the past of Jordan and Gregory.
Traveling for Love: Searching for Self, Hoping for Love - Becky Due I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This is a quick read. I read it in a day. It's also the type of book you just don't want to put down.

This book really hits home for me. I felt a connection with the main character Amanda. She was always looking for love, but the wrong way with the wrong men. The old saying "No one can love you until you love yourself" is true.

It was only when Amanda really took care of herself, and found her self worth, and self love..that she found the man of her dreams.

I feel all women can relate to this story no matter what your personal love life history is.
Thirty-Two Going on Spinster - Becky Monson I received this book for a fair and honest review.

There is so much to love about this book. It's a romance novel that is not full of smut. Let's face it, one can only handle so much smut! The romance aspect is very believable as well. I can totally see it being played out in real life.

The character of Julia could be anyone we know. It could even be ourself. Let's face it, not everyone is oozing self esteem (I know I'm guilty of not always having it).

Julia is stuck in a boring job she hates, and living in her parent's basement all because she hates change. Don't we all?

This is one of those funny feel good books that make us laugh and totally get lost in the book. I loved seeing the person Julia becomes when she starts to just believe in herself.
Matinicus --  An Island Mystery - Darcy Scott I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This book for me is kind of slow. I really had to force myself to read it.

Gil goes to Matinicus that is described in a way that I think of as a long forgotten hidden town. It's in the middle of no where without any real civilization although they do have people living there and people coming to visit.

The author is able to descibe the area in a way that you stop reading to think of a place you can picture this story taking place in. I instantly thought of a place like China Beach for some reason.

I feel its a unique twist to have a murder mystery themed book with the past and present interwined together with perfection.
Embracing the Wolf (Anna Avery, #2) - Stephanie   Nelson I received this book for a fair and honest review. This is the second book in the series.

This book picked up right where book 1 left off. Anna and Adam are not bonded. However not everyone is happy about that. Adam's parents do not approve, at all.

Someone is after Anna and Adam. The person it turns out to be was shocking to me. I totally didn't see that coming.

I feel Anthony is now obsessed with Anna. He insists that there is something between them. I wonder if its just because he's Adam's twin or if there is more to it.

I enjoyed reading about how Anna has fully accepted the wolf within her. As the title say...she embraced it. I think Anna will live up to her white wolf and shock them all.

I hope Anna finds the answers she's looking for. I am eager for book 3 to find out what is really going on.
Taming the Wolf - Stephanie   Nelson I received this book for a fair and honest review. This is the first book in the series.

This book is the type that you want to curl up in your favorite reading spot and close off the world until you are done reading. You don't even want to worry about having your favorite beverage because that would take away from reading.

Anna is adjusting to life now as a werewolf. She is a headstrong independent woman that doesn't always follow the rules. Not only is Anna trying to adjust to her new life, she has a bit of a love triangle thing going on.

Anna has to fight to prove she is not responsible for the humans being killed recently. Things aren't always what they seem.

Stephanie Nelson is a very talented author. This book is about Anna adjusting to being a werewolf and all that goes with it. It is also about the 2 men that are eager to become Anna's mate. Stephanie has the ability to vividly describe the love scenes without making it turn into smut.

I can't wait to read book 2.
Birthdays of a Princess - Helga Zeiner I received this book for a fair and honest review.

It has been a long time since a book has effected me the way this one has. I'm so thankful its fiction.

We often hear on the news about violent crimes. How often have you thought to yourself, gee I wonder what made that person snap like that? This book goes into great detail of the a little girl that is forced to do beauty pagents and so much more.

I was often left shaking my head and disgusted at Melissa. She is suppose to be a mother. You are suppose to love and protect your child. Melissa is a very self centered immature person.

There was a twist at the end I didn't see coming and loved it! I was on the edge of my seat reading the last 20% of the book to see how things would end for Tia. I highly recommend this book to others. It's a great read although the subject matter is a bit hard to read at times.
Breathless (King Series, #2) - Tawdra Kandle I was so happy to finally have the time to read this book. I've been anxious to see what happens next with Tasmyn and Michael. This book was full of adventure and drama like the first one.

I knew that her chemistry teacher wouldn't give up that easily. She was determined to get her hands on Tasmyn and her gift. The Reverend was just as determined to Tasmyn get rid of the evil within her. Forget the fact that the Reverend is the only one that thinks she's evil.

Tasymn is a senior in high school now. It's suppose to be the time of her life. She had to adjust to Michael being away at school and all kinds of other crazy things.

Personally I'd of asked my parents to let me change schools after everything that happened the previous year in the first book Fearless. I can't wait to read the next book Restless.

The author not only writes so vividly that you feel like you are part of the story, she is also an amazing person. I'm proud to be able to say she's a friend of mine.
Crushing - Elena Dillon I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This book really had 2 story lines. One is of Rory and her two love interested Gage and Dominic. The other story line is of the a serial kidnapper/murderer. The latest victim is a friend and classmate.

Rory really has a special talent of finding trouble. She tries to do the right thing but still trouble finds her again and again.

The person behind the kidnapping was not someone I expected. I was on the edge of my seat reading how it was all going to play out when it was revealed who he was.
Two Thursdays (Another Hitchcock Brown Adventure) - C. Martin Stepp I received this book for a fair and honest review. This is book 2 in a series. I have not read book 1.

This book is written from Hitchcock Brown's prespective. He is a private investigator. The tone of this book to me is one of an old time tv show.
The author goes into a lot of detail to describe the scene that is currently being played out.

The author has a different style of sense of humor than I do. C. Martin Stepp has a dry sense of humor. If you are not familiar with this sense of humor it can be difficult to grasp his full meaning.

This book is a quick read since there are only around 146 pages.
Reflection - Kim Cresswell I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This book is a page turner from page 1. It is a fast paced Mystery that will leave you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what happens next.

The main character Whitney is a very independant and stubborn woman. She won't take no for an answer and won't let up on her story. Given her past with trusting men, she is unable to fully trust Blake Neely. Is Blake really as he seems, or is hiding things of his own?

Whitney and Blake do have one thing in common however. Aside from the fact that the are mutally attracted to each other. They both want Nathan to pay for what he has done.

I found the idea of cloning a human interesting. I'm glad they have not tried to do this scientifically yet. Or at least not to my knowledge!
The Emerald Tablet - Joshua Silverman I received this book for a fair and honest review.

This book has a futuristic feel to it. This book is definitely for any sci-fi lover.
The opening scene in the book left me gasping in surprise and made me want to find out why things were going on that were. It really set the whole tone for the book. As much as we try not to let it, our past defines who we are in the present.

This book for me was a bit hard to get into. I’m not really much of a sci-fi fan. The author however did an amazing job of articulating this story. You can see the scenes play out in your mind. You are left wanting, needing more.
The Fallen Angels Book Club - R. Franklin James I received this book for a fair and honest review. This book is book 1 in a series.

This book had a mini mystery storyline within the main one. Hollis was trying to help out some elderly residents in a nursing home. She was able to figure that mystery out eventually though.

The main mystery however was the murders of two book club members. For me, it was a real twist who the murder was. I didn't see that one coming at all.

Hollis sure hasn't had an easy life. She was trying to get her life back and on the right track when these murders happened. She should of just let the police do their job and keep her nose clean but her personality wouldn't allow for that.

I highly enjoyed this book and will be looking for the other books in the series when they come available.